
By briocarioca

Palm beads

I love these seed bunches? cascades? that hang from the palm trees (and I don't know what kind of palm, perhaps they're palm nuts? Must investigate). The other day, I found one on the road and thought it would add a nice touch to the sitting room. Stopped the car and found, first that it was a tad muddy, then that it was very heavy, and when I finally heaved it into the car (HH sitting mum in the front all the time pretending not to notice), the seeds, which resemble grains of wheat, tumbled everywhere - and it wouldn't fit in the boot. So I reluctantly hauled it out again and restored it to the roadside, transferring most of the mud to my clothes in the process. Still finding seeds in the boot.

Today (well, yesterday, as I'm late posting this) started well, if far earlier than I planned. Another show of colours as the sun crept over the horizon, then a mass of bird flitting round the garden. Wandered round happy as Larry, until I brought myself back to the reality of a translation to deliver by Monday morning. That, plus finding that HH wanted to return to the oven that is Rio after lunch rather than leaving early on Monday and swinging by the airport to collect a visiting friend on the way home, put the pressure on. Pressure = tense muscles = budding migraine. Ah well - at least we had a surprisingly quick run home, but I didn't get the translation finished. What was that about not working on the Sabbath?

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