
By briocarioca

Demolition survivors

Stopped to take photos of the mountains today, very clear in spite of the heat, but found myself beside this ramshackle shack-cum-junk-antique store, alongside windows and doors from demolition sites. And a chair that would have looked more at home in the Chamber of Horrors - seat, back, arms and leg rests studded with 5" spikes. Where on earth did that come from - remnants of a Brazilian inquisition, family relic from some dark European castle, or favourite chair of a local masochist?

On to the house and the usual ecstatic and uncontrolled welcome from the dogs. It's even hot up here - no temptation to play golf, but did take the dogs for a run in the evening - they did the running, HH and I drove, with the dogs cantering alongside. Up the hill beside the valley ravaged by floods and landslides three years ago, where the road is still deeply rutted, with most of the flagstones or cobbles missing. We took a sedate little walk where we parked, and I collected a handful of nasturtiums, as usual, from a roadside bank.

Happy Burns Night to Scots everywhere!

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