fleeting visions

By eyeGillian

Grit & grin

Snow this morning, rain this afternoon, ice this evening. Gotta love winter.

We got an urgent call from my parents this evening. They had come home with groceries and the car didn't quite make it up the driveway. No wonder! My mum managed to get out and walk through the snow banks to the safety of the garage; my dad stepped out in the passenger side and immediately landed on his rear, as it was so slippery. So, being a sensible man, he didn't try to stand up again, he just slid into the house on his bum. Then he called us to come & help.

We arrived with half a bag of grit which we sprinkled liberally on the driveway, got the car into the garage, and rescued the groceries - which was what my parents seemed to be most concerned about. They seemed none the worse for wear, and the ice cream is now safely in the freezer.

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