Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2014 Sunday — Thrift Store Bargains

These two articles of clothing were some of my Central Coast "thrift shop" treasures. I find quality thrift stores to be intriguing and interesting. I'm not always in the mood to shop in them, but when I am, many times I locate items that become treasures to me. This dress was $5.00 and the shirt I found at the same place but on another clothes rack several aisles away, and it was $2.50. I thought they make a great duo.

I wore the two to church this morning with a purple turtle-neck long sleeve shirt under the dress for added warmth and I received several compliments. Now I need to convince myself not to wear it to church again until Easter. I think it will be perfect for that Sunday.

I suppose that I really should have posted the photo of "Morley & Sara" who were married immediately after church today. It was special because they invited everyone from our little church to stay for the very short ceremony and then a luncheon in the fellowship hall. Morley has been widowed for almost 10 years and his bride, Sara, has been widowed since 2007. They are both in their 80s. They met a couple years ago at an activity at the local Senior Citizen Center and she invited him to attend church with her and he did and then eventually decided that he'd rather attend church with her than at his home church. Their relationship grew and our little church had the fun of watching them grow from friends to spouses. The celebration today was special.

I'm having a difficult time realizing that this is the final Sunday in January. The first month of 2014 is just about gone. Wow!

Good night from the Inland Empire,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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