Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Sunset at the Freeway

Late this afternoon we were looking at "previously" owned cars at the auto mall that is located on the west end of our community. I could see that the sky was going to "light-up" and it sure did. I managed to get a quick capture with my iPhone. It's not the best of photos, but oh well.

We are looking for a used car for me because we have now left my old, but wonderful, car in the garage of our place on the Central Coast. At one point during the 20-days that we were there Mr. Fun needed to come back to the Inland Empire and I stayed on the Central Coast with the 3 pooches. While he was gone I sent Mr. Fun a text that explained that I wished he could put my car on "auto-pilot" and send it to me because I was there without a car for the days that he was gone (which is no big problem because Cayucos in such a little place that everything is within walking distance). So Mr. Fun decided to drive my old car when he made the return trip to the Central Coast. We knew then that we'd rent a car to get back here at the end of our stay there and leave my car there.

So I now need a car, but I'm not too concerned because it's three weeks until I report back to the college to begin teaching the spring semester classes I've been assigned. If I were really daring, I'd work on my scheduling and plan a way that Mr. Fun could take me to the college on the days that I teach and on other days I would stay home or take Mr. Fun to work and keep his car. Transforming into a "one car family" is probably not going to happen at this moment, but it sure sounds economical. So I'll keep you posted on this new adventure.

News on the K9 front: We had taken Mitzi last Wednesday while we were still on the Central Coast to a Vet to see what was wrong with her front left paw because she was seriously limping. That Vet took two X-rays, prescribed two types of medicines, and said there were no broken bones and she could not find any reason why Mitzi was limping (she also took a sizable chunk of money).

Well, today Mitzi was still limping and we knew we could not wait any longer to take her to our regular Vet. We had noticed this morning that there was a little white bubble growing out of the middle pad on her paw. So the Vet will do surgery tomorrow to remove whatever that is. At the moment Mitzi's leg is completely bandaged so that she will not lick that foot any more. We'll take her to the Vet's office early tomorrow morning and then get to have her back late tomorrow afternoon.

Mr. Fun returns to his surgeon's office tomorrow for the first update since his knee surgery on Monday, December 30. He still has pain in his knee but nothing like what he experienced previously to the surgery.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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