
By cowgirl

The Ugly Duckling

After a migrainey night I wasn't up to driving anywhere today and Woodpeckers blip reminded me that there's a cygnet on the mill pond next to the converted mill Sav and I lived in when I first moved to The West Country to live with him. ( Fossey lives in the house next door ).

We've been having sunshine and showers all day and I was lucky to get an hour of the sunshine bit, so the reflections were bright, but it was breezy hence the ripples.

Not a classic swan pose, but I liked the way s/he is transecting the reflections.

Until this winter, a pair of swans have been using this pond as their winter retreat, but they haven't come. Maybe this is one of their offspring? That's what I'd like to believe anyway.

Here's the male swan in 2012.

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