
By angrymidget73

Raining cats and dogs

It's been a very wet and cold day today and I've had trouble keeping warm. The heating is on a timer which I keep over riding and turning back on! I'm dreading my gas bill lol. The medication is starting to work and I managed some one handed ironing with my right arm. It's funny the things we take for granted. We do things every day without thinking about it. Like stirring the dinner, brushing ur hair or teeth for that matter. Scrapping plates was interesting if not a little frustrating and my shake it off routine was covering more kitchen floor than hitting the target of the bin!! Lol I can't complain thou the kids have been very thoughtful (mostly!) my little turtle bear sorted out the lunches for school and helped onion sort out a clean uniform for the morning. He that is the teenager scooped up the dirty laundry and carried the basket down stair to the washing machine. Onion helped clear away all the toys, books and games from the living room and helped with entertaining Lou Lou bum. Everyone has pitched in and helped and I feel truly blessed :). So although I can't say I have the best of health and my life is far from perfect. I'm perfectly happy with my life and I'm glad I'm me I honestly wouldn't want to be anyone else :)

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