Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Mitzi had Surgery

Last week Mitzi started limping to keep the weight off her left front paw. Yesterday the Vet said Mitzi needed to have surgery to remove a little growth that had developed under that left paw.

So this morning at 8:00 Mitzi reported to the Animal Hospital for surgery.

Because she also had a small bump the size of the end of my little finger on her right-side, the Vet thought that should also be removed and sent to the lab to be tested.

At 5:30 this evening she was released from the hospital. She now has a huge incision on her side where they removed the little growth. We're pretty blown away by the size of the incision and 15 staples.

Her left front paw is completely bandaged and will stay that way for a week and then after another week the staples will be removed. The biospy report will be back in 4 or 5 days.

It's now after 10:30 pm and she still has not eaten anything and she hasn't even had a sip of water. She has slept all evening.

So that's the Mitzi update for tonight.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Mitzi, Max, & Chloe),
aka Carol

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