
By ASmileADay

My boys

It was lovely to welcome Stephan back home late last night after his trip to London. Maybe it's just pregnancy hormones but I was in tears saying goodbye to him when he put Jacob and I on the train. Or maybe it's that we love each other very much and five nights apart is more than I think we've ever had.
Once I opened the food Jacob was totally unphased by being on the train. And when we got stuck outside a station he was the happiest person there watching other trains fly by. He was far too excited and hyper to have a nap so we got through it by chatting to fellow passengers, hoping for no bus replacement service, and therefore leading a chorus of the wheels on the bus. We eventually got to our stop an hour and a half late, and were so grateful to be met by "Goo" and "Tractor".
Jacob is delighted to be here and hasn't stopped shouting tractor or miaowing at the cats. I will be more delighted tomorrow when I've had a good sleep.

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