
By angrymidget73

Friends for tea.....

I think I must have suffered a temporal brain malfunction! At 8.55 this morning I found myself agreeing to having friends over for tea tonight. My onion looked up at me with those ever so sweet fluttering eyes and said those fatal words that are sure to bring my utmost defences crumbling 'ppperleeeeeassssse mummy' *insert mass puppy dog eyes and hands clasped desperately together in a willing gesture, I'm sure is actually a form of hypnosis!!! I must emphasis on the 's' in friends here as she actually has 4 best friends and well, you can't have one without the others now can you! On top of this it is also the day I have Lou Lou bum AND he that is the teenager needed a hair cut before Mondays 'exciting developments' and they are with their dad from tomorrow and well I kinda can't trust him not to attempt to cut their hair himself! His last attempt at this left turtle looking like he had just finished chemo and no! I really am not exaggerating here!!! Lol so I've set the scene !! Now picture five 8/9 year olds going on 21 getting dressed up like they are going clubbing add screams of laughter and in some places hysterics when turtle attempted entry into the inner sanctuary that is onions bedroom! And we are half way there! Imagine my smiles as turtle wanders away muttering 'girls!' in exasperation. I just looked at him with a gentle smile and answered 'it gets worse mate'. All the while Lou Lou is running around like a mad thing and getting up to all sorts! Lol it's definitely been a busy day! :) now I would love to stay and chat but I've a mountain of washing up to get through :) hey and good news tomorrow is Friday :)

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