
By angrymidget73

Darby the cat-dog

This pretty little thing is Darby our cat. She has a bit of a personality disorder and actually believes she is a dog! She does tricks for treats and often walks with us to school! She like to ride in the car and sit on the passenger seat. When taking her to the vets she never goes in a cat basket as she just climbs on me like a living scarf and unlike most cats actually follows commands much to the amusement of my visitors and friends! She has been very unsettled today and hasn't wanted to be outside much so I think we either have a storm on the way or very cold weather coming. It's been a bit of a funny day today. Had a bit of trouble with the little ones school displaying personal information on the class room doors which has annoyed me enough to take pen to paper much to the glee of my friends who found my outrage their source of entertainment this morning! Lol I have penned a strong letter at my disapproval and hope I get a promptly response/action. As they say 'the pen is mightier than the sword!' And I always have my plan 'b' which has my best friend skipping beside me singing 'some bodies going get it!' Lol hope everyone has an amazing weekend :)

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