The Little Acorn

By thelittleacorn

People Watching

People are amazing. I'm not just talking about the ones who do ridiculous stunts or other death-defying feats. But, the ones that you encounter in every day life have something to offer as well. You don't have to actually interact with everyone to receive their positive energy. A simple smile from a stranger will do wonders to propagate goodness in this world.

Today was a federal holiday, the first time I've ever had a chance to celebrate it since becoming a tax-paying citizen. It actually comes at a perfect time as a good time to unwind after the other major holidays.

In fact, he is driving home from his weekend retreat, to "figure things out", he said. I'm not sure what exactly this meant or what new epiphanies he discovered. I just know that I have awakenings of my own. It's quite exciting.

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