
By PurbeckDavid49

Red (or angry?) sky over Swanage in the morning...

...today presages rain, rain, and then a few inches more rain. In the circumstances, it is as well to keep track of the local weather for the glimpse of a colour photo opportunity.

Shortly after I reached my viewpoint, another car drove up, and out stepped a man with a camera. He had been on his way to work, seen the sunrise, and made a detour. As he was already late, he spent just half a minute photographing this dramatic scene before he dashed off.


Your camera may well offer you a special setting for sunset/sunrise photographs. You don't have to use it.

This photograph shows you something akin to the real colours of the sunrise. I set my camera permanently to shoot with a White Balance (colour temperature) of 5,000, which in this instance prevents the camera from adjusting its RGB balance to compensate for the predominance of the colour red in the brighter parts of the image.

I have made some minor contrast adjustments in some places, but then used sharpening (yes, the unhelpfully named "unsharp mask") to give a three-dimensional look to the clouds.

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