Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Thank You Jet Stream or Whatever!

Perhaps very selfish of me, given the disastrous situation of the South of England, but, no matter what February and March may bring, I have lived my January life without terror, visited Celtic Connections twice, planned activities four or five days ahead, slept soundly has shown me just how limiting my snow-phobia has been for the past few years. Of course, the fat weather lady hasn't sung yet! And she might not have warbled til April (remember last winter?) But it's been good so far.

Clever Nephew Number 1 found us a new lunch venue; Rose and Grants in the Trongate. An area of the City you could describe generously as "under redevelopment" but this bistro/cafe is very Merchant City; great food, great service, spacious and comfortable. And of course, even in the most run-down bits of the City centre, amid the grottiest pound stores and leather shops, you glance up and see this little number!

I Love Glasgow!

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