rest up - its half term!

Yeah. Right.

Monday night - spent far too much money at Ikea.

Tuesday - cleared shelves in living room, moved them out, only to realise that the simple task of putting new units up has suddenly turned into a nightmare, as the whole back wall needed repainting, and the skirting boards needed glossing. Quick trip to B&Q - picked up a random chocolate colour for the wall - came home, painted, glossed and then started building cupboards.

Corin came home and I had him helping me out with the positioning of the new units - then we realised that a new table for the TV would make sense - so off I went to Ikea again.

At around 1am (Tues night / Weds morning) another brainwave occurred, so it was a further trip to Ikea on Wednesday, after spending 3 hours mooching around the Trafford Centre with my mum (poor mum - got dragged to Ikea to help me lift the boxes!)

Wednesday was a lovely day - quality time with my mum, went to Debenhams, tried my wedding dress on so that she could see it, and also managed to find the correct coloured wrap/pashmina to go with the dress - so the colours are now purple and light gold. Just need shoes now!

Finished the front room on wednesday evening - finished putting everything away late last night.

Today I managed to get over to a friend's jewellery shop and discuss jewellery for the wedding - she is going to make me something quite excited. Also met up with Corin and we went for lunch which was lovely - we never get to do that normally and it was such a treat to see him in the middle of the day and have a chinwag.

Think I might have found a job that I am interested in applying for. I love the school I am at, no question, but I have been there for nearly 7 years and if I am not careful I am going to find it difficult to move onto promotion elsewhere if I don't start looking. The job that I have seen is the first one that has really grabbed my interest, so I spent a couple of hours looking at that this afternoon and researching. I will be having a chat with my boss on Monday about it - I know he will support me - it's just a tough conversation to have.

And this evening, I have gutted my office, put new shelving units in James room, put more appropriate shelving in the office (recycled from old units from downstairs) and have sorted out all of the stuff I have. My paints and brushes have been liberated and are sat, easily accessible, on the shelf behind maybe I might get around to doing something with them soon.

Just the ironing and the coursework to sort out now!

Oh, for the record, all of this physical work round the house is apparently as effective as going to the gym - I have lost 3 pounds and all of my muscles ache like they did when I first started back at the gym. It must be doing me good? Or its killing me!!!

Night all

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