My 40th year

By 54r4h

I can see!

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. ~Kahlil Gibran

Flynnbob survived his day spa at the groomers, who whilst being lovely people are terrible liars. I knew that the moment they said, he's been very well behaved, no trouble at all. Anyway he can see again and is having to wear a coat because his wind blown mud catching knotty locks have been shorn. I have promised to brush his furry tummy every day so that it is not so tangly next time and he doesn't have to resemble a lamb again. It was pretty obvious that Mr.Dylan said , Dude what happened to your hair, in dog language when he saw his brother. On the upside his fur is so very soft, like a chinchilla and he doesn't stink. (Look back to 22nd jan for a reminder of the mini beast pre-haircut).

Today was great, I made Ang's birthday cake, walked the dogs and then Nicola an old work colleague collected me to drive an hour to see Paula another old work colleague. We had a good catch up over a huge lunch then dashed back for school pick up. Mum had taken Heidi for a chippy lunch before ballet! They were both pleased with themselves about it. We collected India and went off to a friends house for a play and tea. Ang was there with her boys and a very pregnant Lucy was parked by the aga. India and the 3 eldest boys have been friends since they were tiny babies and play effortlessly. It's lovely to see. I decorated Ang's cake and then went off for evening surgery at work. I don't think my children even noticed I was gone but there was only a few crumbs left on the cake plate when I returned. All the kids were still playing and my friends still chatting. It was really nice to shed my work mode at the door and join in where I left off.

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