I woke up at the pier and.......
I am kidding.
It's Town Landing
Last night I said I wanted to get a sunrise. I think my actual whining request was: "All my friends were getting sunrises so I want a sunrise."
My Dad said "So if all your friends were blipping bridges and hanging over edges of cliffs to get the perfect shot would you?"
I sad " well, yeah"
So this morning at 6:55 we set out.
I need to clarify something.
I do not drive a car. This by the way should be the reason you give thanks every day to your higher power. I have NO depth perception.
A somewhat unsuccessful surgery when I was a child resulted in my eyes never focusing to a point. So constantly 2 images flash to my brain. After so many years and one lens that is corrective, I am somewhat better at tuning the left views out. At times when I am in the car. my left vision will suddenly pop in with a holy sh*t cow moment as things look deceptively closer than they are.
So that is why I asked my saintly patient very nice husband to take me to get a sunrise blip this morning.
It went something like this:
630 Don's alarm went off
6:30.5 enters restroom
6:40 "OK let's go"
6:43 " OK Susan lets go"
6:47 she parts the haze in her brain and says... "Don are you up? I wanted to get a sunrise?"
up, half asleep and in yesterday's clothes. off we went.
Dad: "You know I have been up since 6:00 waiting."
I walked to the end of the pier and then it happened.....I woke up.
The wind was cold and my fingers were shaking and the sun took forever to rise.
But in the end I liked this one.
My husband like the picture of the fishing boat I took. Go figure
It's in my blip folio under alternate blips.
I also have one with lights. I think I like this one better.
I am off to make a cherry pie. One has to be in a good mood to make crust. Crust tends to reflect the mood of the person making it. I could not have made THAT at 6:55 this morning. One needs a pulse.
'till the morrow
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