Just a drink please!!

I went over to Stortford to meet up with K no1 for lunch. K no2 should have been there but had to cancel at the last minute. We all worked together for about 15 years and haven’t met up with K no1 for about 18 months, so plenty of chat and catching up to be done!!

The weather has been beautiful today. Blue skies, temperature about 7 degrees and minimal wind!! Not what I expected from the weather forecast on TV. So on the way home I visited the pond to check out the Canada Geese. There were about 50 present, but the concrete path round one side of the pond was covered in mud and lined with sleeping geese. Shut eye appears to start before 4pm!!

I had taken food for them, but there wasn’t much interest. This is unusual, as visitors are normally mobbed as they step on to the path, if carrying a bag which appears to contain food. I approached from the opposite direction and was ignored by the geese, but the ducks were happy recipients of my goodies!!

This goose was on the island in the centre of the pond and only wanted a drink.

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