Back On The Tor

As the notice pointed out, sheep were back on the Tor today, along with this helpful illustration to help you recognise them. As it happens, we didn't see any looking like this: probably they were all sensibly keeping a low profile at low altitude because, once you got more than a third of the way up, it was hard to stand up on two feet, never mind four due to the force of the wind. That, combined with the sight of a bank of rain blowing in from the Bristol Channel was enough to send us scuttling back down hill to the sanctuary of the car.

An other hour or so spent in the travel agent's this morning finalising details of the birthday trip, then an afternoon suffering the whims of the Rugby gods; still, it makes a change from those of the footballing ones - Yeovil don't play until tomorrow.

On the subject of travel, anyone got a recommendation for a good, lightweight tripod, suitable for travellingand strong enough for a Nikon D5000?

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