In one second

In the afternoon I drove Emma to Tampere where she met her granny. They went to movies to see Anneli ja Onneli.

TR1 art hall is near the cinema, so I decided to go and see what's in there.
There were three exhibitions:

* Miles Davis: paintings, drawings, photographs
* Niina Vatanen: Cloud Hunter’s Eyes (photographs)
* Kristian Kaarna: Reflections of the Mind (photographs)

I didn't know that Miles Davis was also a visual artist. I learnt that he began to draw and paint in 1981 when seeking to stop using drugs. His works reveal an artist who is creative and open to experimentation. Davis' paintings are mostly abstract, while the drawings are figurative. No self-portraits. In the exhibition there was his quote " I don't do self-portraits, I see my face too much as it is! It scares me."

In Niina Vatanen's exhibition there was a fun framed cutting from Encyclopedia Pikku Jättiläinen (1958), named In One Second. It said:

In One Second

a human hair grows 0,0003 mm
blood flows 8 cm
a snowflake falls 20 cm
the Gulf stream advances 1.1 m
the earth on its orbit travels 29.6 km
sound travels 330 m
and light 300,000 km.

I don't know if any of those facts has changed since 1958?

Some more

-7 C, cloudy, snowfalls

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