Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

The Big Day


All their hard work paid off as the day was amazing. My sister looked the most radiant and beautiful I'd ever seen her and she loved being a princess for the day. The ceremony was lovely, the speaches were great, the food was fantastic and everyone (especially the happy couple) seemed to really enjoy themselves.

The Boy really came in to his own too by taking on "granny minding" duties, pushing her wheelchair and generally ensuring she was ok.

I got so many photos I'd have loved to have posted, fantastic shots of candles, flowers, table decorations, the bride getting ready. I can't beat ClickyChick or Chippy's shots for today but it didn't seem right not to post one of The Bride and Groom. I know the groom is a little out of focus but I loved my sister's pose in this one!

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