Gong Xi Fa Cai....A Belated Happy New Year

......of the Wooden Horse.
For some reason it reminds me of the Wooden Horse left on the beaches of Troy...being a person who likes to think her glass is half full here is my spin on it......with Flynn of course.

I wanted to post yesterday.......I went to visit Ma and Pa.....so happy that the cantankerous old boy was out of Horsepiddle and feeling much better.
Long story short in the afternoon we had to call the ambulance again.......he is OK now though....the Paramedics reckoned they walked into a Faulty Towers episode...I really dont know what they meant....we were rather normal acting I thought.

Lets talk about Pooh! it was Dad doing the deed that dropped his blood pressure.
My brother who is a Policeman told me that so many people die on the toilet...I didn't know that......I reckon a very crappy way to go HAHAHAHAHAHA!

We promised Flynn that next time he did a pooh in the toilet we would crack out the Party Poppers and stickers. He sat on the toilet for ages reading his whale book when suddenly he yelled out 'PARTY POPPERS'....it really was some celebration.

I told Dad that every time he goes to the toilet without having to be taken to the Horsepiddle I was going to crack the Party Poppers for him too.

It was such a big day yesterday.....I also lost another pair of expensive glasses...my new ones...Jeez! I think I might have to get one of those horrid cords and wear them around my neck.

“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.”
― Frank Zappa

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