Gitama's World

By Gitama

Another Splendid Afternoon @ The Beach

I'm addicted to the beach at the moment......its funny how sometimes I crave to get to the river and other times the beach.

Obviously at the moment its the beach....not too far from home and so lovely and cool in the afternoon and the tide is really low at the moment .....on our walk times.....I love the river and the beach when the tide is low.

Because of blip the most used app on my phone is Willy Weather.....every day nearly I check for .....tides .....sunrises and sets..........Moon rises and sets ........cloudy or shine......I have learned more about the weather and the comings and goings of our celestial bodies since starting to blip than all the years previous.

However with my run of 'Flynn' pics of late you wouldn't think so .....they dont have an app for him...if they did it would give Willy Weather a run for its money thats for sure.

“Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot.”
― Groucho Marx

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