She's off

4years 104days

A nice pottering morning- Katie did lots of colouring in as I have got the iPad wirelessly connected to the printer and had even putting surprise sheets through to print for her. She played, had a bubbly bath, and then played again while I did a session. She liked that they had bigger girls who came up to play with her too. We took some photos of the two of us in dresses that I have made as testing for a company. We realised it was actually quite warm! So we had Lunch together then she asked to go out.

I suggested that she have some time on her new bike. Back in May, she was pretty much getting the hang of it with her first bike, but the bike was a bit of a nuisance, and then winter came. So today, first proper ride of her new big girl's bike, she was a touch nervous at first but we have a great cul de sac at the end of our street where the children all play and she was soon much happier. Her friend came out to play too and they were cycling between me and her dad in no time. We had a cuppa in their house, the girls played and then we set off home, her cycling. Except Katie didn't want to stop. So we carried on to the park. She made it the whole way, getting the hang of starting as we went. A play at the park and we headed home trying out a dirt track for the first time. She also tackled her first proper hill. And on the way home, she made really good efforts at using the brakes. She's very proud of herself and how we are home she's asked to go back out on it again! Roll on the long summer evenings!!

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