Fergus wants to eat Bob

Someone told me that today is a special day in the Pagan calendar. I looked it up; it's Imbolc or Candlemas, celebrating the awakening of the land and the growing power of the Sun. And funnily enough, it stopped raining today. That was a tiny wee gift from Mother Earth. The sky was blue and it was sunny. Another tiny wee missive from Mother Nature.

We had a nice visit to friends and broke bread over a table, seemed like we were all just stirring after Winter. I went into the garden and lost myself in doing stuff for a while. There were green shoots. A definite awakening of the land. Even if we have snow to come, it definitely felt like things had started to flow again. I think this would be a good day to make a fresh start after a wee stormy period.

Meanwhile, Fergus would really like to eat Bob, but there shall be no stick insect sacrifices on my watch.

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