Jo Co's photo's

By JoCo

Jellycone Or Sillifish?

The latest addition to my aquarium. A green jellyfish- the non-stinging kind, he's made of silicone! He floats in the water tethered by a very fine thread to a sucker at the bottom of the tank. I even bought him a neon pink ladyfriend to keep him company. They make the tank look very jolly!

Been to work briefly, took Anders on a tour of the lab Anders8573 Don't think he is very impressed!!

Then we went and bought the jellyfish and some guppys.

Did my 5K today as a walk so that all 3 dogs could come (though maybe it is a wee bit too much for Bo).

Got a bit of work done that I brought home, and pottered about cleaning and tidying. Not very interesting, but very productive!

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