Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Elliott Erwitt

This mont's 'fotofika' took place in Stockholm and at the photo museum.
I must say that this exhibition was the one I enjoyed the most. There was another one also, that was good, by a Swedish actor/producer/photographer and he had captured some rather funny situations behind the scene with his co-stars. One of the exhibitions I didn't even bother to look at. It was photos of crying children, I just took a peek and decided that this wasn't for me at all. And the ones I walked around the museum with was of the same opinion. There was another one also that was a bit strange and we just passed it and then: Elliott Erwitt… Just great!! It took a while to go through because of all the little conversations that arose around many of his photos. So much humor and many you just had to stop and think…and talk…and think some more, before moving on. So many fantastic photos!!
Of course we had fun at the 'fika' before we all spread around the exhibitions. Much laughter as usual. :)
And I learned a really interesting thing from one in the group. If you meet an angry ostrich just get low, either lie down or squat low and avoid eye contact. This make them confused and because they 'just' kick, but that kick can kill... they don't stomp on you or use their beak. So, just stay low and crawl away low and you're home free. That's really good to know actually! You never know! :)

Konica Minolta Digital Camera

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