
By suehutton

Here Be Building Land

Walked across Shepshed to Tickow Lane on the western boundary this morning to visit a friend. She lives right across from this view. Tickow Lane is on a northerly trending ridge. The land falls away westward downhill, as seen here, to the BlackBrook, which flooded copiously in January. It's marked by a line of trees at the foot of the slope that also trends northerly. This point is half to three quarters of a kilometre south of Hallamford Road, which flooded badly a few weeks ago. The waters were impounded by the road and formed a mini lake.

Charnwood Borough Council has notified residents that 315 dwellings are to be built on this land. As you can see, it is currently a quagmire. And what about the houses that would be built right at the foot of the slope?

Would you like to buy a house on this land?

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