
By CharlotteJ

Balancing Act

This ladybird was balancing across a folder, so blip done!

Seems like she is not the only one doing a balancing act, I too seem to be balancing between the crazy rushed off feet no idea who I am or where I am to just giving up and going back to bed!!
My tutor reported back on my assignment the only element required was more theory….I’m not sure I can get anymore theory into the ‘brief report’ on ‘me’ without sounding completely bonkers. The assignment is about personal development, i.e my personal development, which surely means exactly that, I guess seven different theoretical perspectives is not good enough in a 1,500 word report!! Slightly amused by it all and wondering how all this fits with practical HR.

One of those days it would seem, but hey, at least I can have ‘one of those days’.

Happy Monday

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