Lago Santo 1508m

Today I went hiking with two visiting researchers and the girlfriend of one of them. The plan was to hike the Monte Marmagna, following a tour in my hike book. It took us an hour and a half to get to Lago Santo from where we parked (about 245m height difference). There we had lunch and then we went on, but due to my cold I did not have enough air in my lungs to get up the mountain and my ears were starting to hurt too.. so about half an hour after more hiking, we turned around.

I had a Halloween party tonight, only me and one other person actually dressed up for the event, but it was fun :) Had a weird incident when looking for the house where the party started. I could not find it, forgot the number of the house, but then I saw John, but he did not know where it was either. So we just went up every house where the gate was open and rang bells. At one house we came across a guy coming out of a it, dressed up with a mask and a big black robe, and I thought he was our host, so I greeted him. He said nothing really and got something from under his cloak, a bag of sweets, and offered them. I asked what they were, he opened the bag and we both took a sweet (mint sweet). Then the guy said goodbye and walked away... leaving me wondering who the hell he was! lol
I survived the sweet though ;)


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