Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Ultra Healthy

Had a great opportunity to visit Arab Health this afternoon and didn't need to be asked twice! Met up with GK after school and spent a fabulous couple of hours perusing all the latest innovations in the Health sector.

It lent itself to a collage because there was no way of capturing the essence of the exhibition in just one photo!

The CT scanner was amazing and reminded me of former days! (I went through a hole like that!!) The ambulance was really state of the art with every conceivable piece of equipment on board, Business is Great.....Britain...was too good a play on words to miss and as for meeting a truly blue blooded person.....we had it all!!

Not a thing on Opthalmics though! Am sure if we had more time we may have uncovered some small corner where it was represented but we were there at the very close of the show so only managed a half of all exhibits! Next Year!!

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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