Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Choux or Choux!

It isn't always that there's something as colourful as this to blip from the bakery counter..but today there was!

They make a pretty pair and so did the story behind them. When I managed to get the counter staff's attention I asked for two choux puffs please and was promptly told they were chox buns!! He would not be persuaded otherwise! I even tried to tell him the word was French but as I wasn't French he refused to believe it!!

I should have sat him down and given him the history of Panterelli, a chef, who first invented the dough in the year 1540. It was used by him to prepare a gâteau. As time went by, there were variations in the recipe and in the 18th century a pâtissier, Avice, created Choux Buns which got their names from the resemblance that the dough had to “cabbages”, as choux meant cabbage in French.

Amazing what a slip of the tongue can spur you onto!!!

I might just go back next week and test the ground again!! armed with my new found information!

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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