
By BoydMcAdam


I attended the funeral of Alan Finlayson OBE today at Mortonhall Crematorium. The building was opened in 1967, designed by Sir Basil Spence. The planners in those days did not take into account funerals for well loved and popular figures like Alan. Standing room only.

I got to know Alan after his Children's Reporter days when he remained active and passionate about the way we address the needs of children and young people in Scotland. He conveyed his views with wit and humour and was always an entertaining after dinner speaker as well as someone who was eager to debate issues into the wee sma' hours, especially with his hand around a G&T.

The addresses by both The Lord President Lord Gill and one of his sons Atholl were perfectly pitched and raised both laughs and sad smiles of remembrance. As Atholl said he was not someone you'd go to for advice on how to wear a suit. And I would maintain he stretched the fabric of jerseys to the point of destruction.

But he was always a pleasure to meet and his companionship and drive for justice for children and young people will be sorely missed.

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