
By MarnieL

Peace in the park

It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day and Vondelpark was teaming with people, pets and wildlife. There were many cyclists and walkers and runners, including myself, as well as children playing and dogs chasing balls, sticks and each other. The park was a very happy and pretty place to be today. It took a great deal of discipline not to stop my run to take photos, but I managed to wait until I had logged the planned distance.

Of course, I took photos of the activity in the park as well as of some new to me birds - a pair of Egyptian Geese as well as a White Stork. The geese are native to Africa, where they were domesticated by ancient Egyptians. There are feral populations in Western Europe as a result of some ornamental escapees, including a self-sustaining population in the Netherlands.

The White Stork breeds in the Netherlands, as well as in Belgium, Switzerland and Sweden. I think that the bird I saw needs to be on its way soon, as a special delivery is expected later this month in Ontario!

Despite the busyness of the park, it is still very peaceful and there are lovely spots for those who wish to quietly enjoy for a while.

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