My 40th year

By 54r4h


This is Heidi and the smallest of the Australian Stick Insects named 'Teeny', there is a much larger Rosie and a Poppy too.

My sisters friend, Emma, major animal lover married Tom, allergic to all animals. They have albino hedgehogs and all manner of exciting other non furry pets. Emma sent some stick insect eggs in summer for the girls to hatch out, we had to spray them and not get them warm. A couple hatched and were not what I was expecting, more like branch insects. They died. Emma sent more but I was not trusted with them, my Mum has become a professional stick insect keeper. They have a proper cage, amazing food, rose hip branches I think at the moment and have even laid eggs. Mum is very protective over them and is unsure even about whether they will survive a trip into school! I am very pleased that the girls can handle them but I just cannot do it. When I was taking the photos one started running up my mums arm whilst she was putting another one away . I had to shout India to run and help, my Mum despairs of my inability to bond with these magnificent insects. I think, how can an insect be so large??!!

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