It's worth getting....

decent running shoes. Whilst I was in the UK I went to 'Runners Needs' and had a gait analysis done, which was very useful. I have a neutral gait, which is good, so I bought these shoes, cost me an arm and a leg, but what a difference they have made to my running.

Today was first day back at the gym for a while. My diet started today, I need to lose 2.5k. I took it slowly at the gym, did 3k on the treadmill, in 23 minutes, which wasn't bad considering I haven't done any running for a while. Did some upper body weights, it's legs tomorrow, and sit ups.

Tea was a home made chilli with some rice, and only a small portion, an orange and a yoghurt for afters, no booze. I also made some soda bread, so for lunch tomorrow it's home made soup and a slice of bread, tea is fresh tuna and broccoli.

Today I weighed in at 66.6k, target is 64k before we go on our cruise next month.

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