
... Katie arrived at nursery a little dirtier than when we set off

4years 106days
Katie is sleeping 12-13 straight hours most nights these days. Today was one of those. She bounced to my room with a cuddle and a kiss and a cheery "morning mummy". With a bunny hat on her head. Just too cute. She opened my curtains and sat watching the sky get lighter. After the usual early morning tickle, it was decided we would take her bike to nursery but go via big park". It made getting ready very quick and easy!

She cycled the whole way there, stopping a little better than yesterday. She decided we were going on the route that involves a dirt track. I think I am breeding a keen mountain biker as she said she likes the bumpy muddy way. Her cream tights were less appreciative of course. She had a quick run round the park and we still made nursery breakfast with brookey

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