Good start

4years 107days

The day started really well. She was excited to wear her new skirt to nursery. She's wanted me to make something new from this fabric for a while, its a very special one to us. She had lined it up on the radiator last night to be ready for morning. She was also excited to ride her bike to nursery and did a good job of it.

Apparently it went a little downhill from there. Lesley said she had been quiet, by Katie standards, for most of the day. She said one of the staff came up to her and asked where Katie was as she normally runs up to this particular lady. Lesley went to Katie and she was sat very quietly in the book corner. She had a high temperature and was looking a bit sorry for herself. She got really upset when she spilled a drink down her and Lesley and again when she realised that being poorly was likely to mean no swimming. I arrived at nursery just after that and she burst into tears again. She was asleep in her Jammies, dressing gown and blanket by 5pm.

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