D is for The .. Day is Done

I went down to Quinn's Beach to catch the sun going down, I was hoping for a more dramatic drop by the sun tonight but not to be, I took this shot just a few minutes ago, another "Day is Done", and all is well...

We spent an hour or so this morning at the lions Clinic for the Deaf, which all went well, the impression has been taken of Glyn's ear and has been sent off to have a new aid made to replace the broken one, he has another appointment in ten days times for an hearing assessment and any adjustments to the new aid will be made, for now he will manage with one aid.

We walked through Neil Hawkins park to the Lake around 11am, by now the temperature was soaring, it was getting too hot to walk around, on the way home we went for coffee at the Dome Cafe, even at the Marina there was very little breeze.
By 2pm this afternoon it had reached 39c, and 17% humidity a very hot day, I was happy to see the sun go down tonight..

DDW Challenge: February 2014
Topic; D is for...

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