Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

It's hard work

Being a baby especially when you wake up at
12:00, 4:00 and 6:45 to be fed, although the 4am wake up was Elliot not Isaac who only woke up as Elliot's crying disturbed him.
As a result of the numerous wake ups someone flaked out on the flower from our sit play chair blow up cow things (that they both hate and refuse to use to practise their sitting up!) alright for some I've not had a nap.

Our routine had flown out of the window due to the extra wake ups and impromptu nap! So Elliot has had hardly any sleep and is mega grumpy, I've managed to get them down for their afternoon nap how long it will be is anyone's guess 15 mins and counting so far.

Grandad came down this morning to take the bed and dressing table from the spare room (soon to be play room) the mattress has been left as there wasn't any room left in his car. I'm making the most of his services whilst he's still here as he has a new job which is taking him out to Oman on an 18 month contract :-( but he can come home every 12 weeks or so which is great. Hopefully once the contract is up he'll decide to retire.

Finally sent my new work schedule/hours business case back to work this morning. I think my dragging of my feet shows how much I really don't want to go back.
I'm secretly hoping they say no so I have a good reason to resign. But I bet you they'll say yes.

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