South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

The angry sea

We stopped off at the seafront cafe in Goring for a cuppa having been to buy more supplies of paper for the infernal church photocopier. I'm sure I'll learn to love the copier eventually! I ventured on to the beach and, whilst being blasted by the constant onshore strong cold wind, took a number of photos of the sea, which was very angry today but apparently far worse yesterday according to the girl who served the tea in the cafe. She said the waves had been coming up to the top of the beach and spraying the windows. Today is supposed to be the calm before the storm, so goodness knows what it will be like tomorrow - I shan't be going to find out! (Coward!)

I turned the saturation down on this to cut down on the muddy colour of the sea which I didn't think was very nice. I also turned the colour temperature down which made the sky look more blue (goodness knows why it did - I don't understand these things!)

Tesco order delivered this morning, so will now be battening down the hatches and hibernating for the next two days!! ;-)

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