Stood up

I had a date this evening but I was stood up at the last minute. Of course I was disappointed but it was also a faff because I hadn't thought about food - we were dining out. However, I still had an evening to catch up with stuff because I wouldn't be enjoying a pleasant evening in town. And then I had a "Password error" on my main email account when the spam filter tried to log in. It occasionally gets confused so I didn't worry until I received the same error of the tablet - then I started to panic.

Had I been hacked? Had my account been zapped by my ISP? Had malicious pixies slipped through a liminality in the space/time continuum and started eating through the very fabric of the universe? I knew that I could discount a virus but I still couldn't access my emails so the pixie theory was gaining traction. Isn't it funny how any technical problem can dramatically affect dexterity? Suddenly my fingers were thumbs and I was trying to think of all the places I might check for problems. Finally I found a notice tucked away on the BT site, they had frozen some accounts because they were having problems (but worded to suggest that users were the problem but that makes no sense at all). Their routine for changing passwords - that was the fix - is a tad of a faff but finally all was sorted and I updated the settings on the other bits and bobs that use that account and then I was back to the food conundrum.

Corned beef hash rather than Wagamamamamamamamamama's with Rowan (Child number 2) but that's how this Tuesday has rolled. And I'm glad I grabbed a shot of the snowdrops - my plan had been to blip Ro or the food or something..........

Been a Tuesday and now we've wrung it dry. Wednesday amigos and watch out for those pixies!

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