See into a Seagull

Seagulls are not my favorite shorebird, but I found this one to be a real charmer. So much so that I crept up to within 6-7 feet of her (?). So much so that I took 172 pictures of her. So much so that my camera info said I stayed for 34 minutes. 34 MINUTES ON A SEAGULL!!

In the 34 minutes, she gave me this mouth-clearing thing twice. I thought I could open my mouth wide...but this is almost unreal.

She also sang, danced, and did the hokey-pokey. I had big plans do show you all of those, but after trying 4 times on Flickr...I finally gave up. Frustrating.

After the gull encounter, I took a long walk along the ocean...only walking in one direction. I jumped on the free trolley to take me back to my car. A very nice day here.

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