A Handsome Hawk

Practically every time I see a hawk in Michigan...it is on a telephone wire. I like the lines from the wires, but it's good to see one in a tree.

I got my fold-up bike out of our storage area, and paid a dollar to use an automated air hose. (whatever happened to free air?) I was on the bike path at a preserve when I saw this guy off in the distance. Leaving the path...my little clown bike couldn't go through the sand. I would be approaching on foot.

Took a few far shots...just in case of a hawk hurry-off. Not to worry...I think he liked the attention. After a lot of shots...he turned into a hunter. Down he flew. In quest of...another bird...a mouse...a snake...a rabbit? IT WAS A GRASSHOPPER! How many grasshoppers do you have to eat before you've had your fill? I was so excited that I missed the shot.

Big choice for me between this hawk, and a night heron. For 45 minutes, I shot the heron...taking hundreds of shots from as close as 6-7 feet away. He was still there when I left. Since I see them often in this spot...I decided to leave the heron for another day.

But...one shot of the heron I just had to show. It is on my Flickr Page. He looks like a cat...yakking up some kind of hairball.

There is also a bird unknown to me on there. Plus...2 different flowers I don't know. Any help would be appreciated.

Having my neighbor over for dinner. Must start prepping, and cooking. I'm serving chicken and grasshopper.

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