Growing old disgracefully



Despite the threatening sky, we enjoyed a wee wander in Pollok Park, followed by a coffee at the Burrell. I was hoping for some shots of the Highland Cattle, but they seem to have gone somewhere warmer for winter.

What a difference a day makes. I am still coughing and wheezing, but my mind is more focused and I managed to clear my desk of some jobs that have been waiting for a while. Not content with that, I had a sudden, bright and BIG idea, acted on it and yippee, managed to arrange for my favourite Canadian grandson to come visit us this summer and - get this - go the Commonwealth Games. Those of you who know how antipathetic I am toward all things sporty and how tough it is to get him here will know just what a humungous whoop this news deserves.

BIG WEIGH IN DAY - 2 lbs off, total lost now 11.5. 1/5 of my way towards target weight.

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