
By chrissypav

Bright Light on a Dim Day

Well oh Well what a stormy day!! Had a meeting first thing this morning at the boys school. The sun shone and the wind blew a gale and it looked quite like a promising walking day but the wind picked up and the heavens opened yet again, so i stayed home and made millionaires shortbread..
I phoned my sister when i was waiting for the condensed milk to turn to gooey toffee and chatted about our beautiful Great Niece Holly who came into this world two days before Christmas. I have yet to meet her i so want to squeeze her and kiss her lovely tiny face. I know poor child has a lot to look forward to!!
Anyway, as we were chatting i was playing with my keyring, the little light bulb which was awarded to my beloved for an ideas in action that he came up with whilst working for his last employer.. They sucked his ideas and plans out of his knowledgeable brain then tossed him aside.. Ok not as tragic as that and anyway he now works for a far happier company!!!
I digress!!
Where was i?
Ermmmm no idea!
Someone has switched my light bulb off.... ;-)

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