Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


After a close shave with Lancashire yesterday, I've been over to the dark side today.

We went to the University Of Manchester Economics Open Day. After a nightmare parking we just about managed to arrive on time for the talk.

Complete and utter heart-sink moment when the realisation started to dawn that David has applied for, and been given an offer for, a different course to the one he thought.

This is what happens when mothers don't interfere and take over.....

Anyway, as the talk went on, he decided he is perfectly happy with this course and didn't want to do the other one anyway. Not sure if this is him talking himself into it, but even if it is I reckon it's a good life skill to be content with what you've got!
He has shown me the prospectus and I must agree it is horribly confusing; I can see what happened. It's his reserve choice anyway so it's a back-up in case he fluffs an A Level. Jeez, I was thinking we were all sorted and then this!

I was not allowed to take a camera, but he tolerated about 30 seconds of photo taking - this is the main Uni building on Oxford Road with the museum in the background.

Wine o'clock now.

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