twinned with trumpton



Today was my bi annual day with the boss; the upside? We met in the pouring rain at the office and after visit 1, we had a little time. (I've learned that if he's there, productivity drops about 30%).

He suggested we relocate to the top of Easter Road and go to Greggs, but I offered the Manna House as an alternative; so a bonus cappuccino and a lemon and blueberry brundt (?) later we carried on our way.

It wasn't until later, I realised (subconsciously) I must have organised every one of them to be a top floor flat....! Still, better than the last time as I had him wait outside the pharmacy alongside the methadone crew waiting for 9 o'clock so they could score the gear for the day. Then towerblocks to follow - I genuinely didn't know he didn't like lifts!!

Afternoon was more relaxed, went for an accompanied walk at lunchtime, chatted, and then went our separate ways.

And home after 3, cold, tired. Spent a couple of hours typing reports, doing admin, making calls.

Office bound tomorrow, so better I get a head start on it today. Boys tomorrow after work, too.

But dinner / supper at hers later, so I need to tidy up here, get everything ready for the onslaught as I'll not feel like it in the morning.

But yeah. Better out the office than in.

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