
You might have noticed that I have mentioned that I have been swimming on the last couple of Friday afternoons. This is because our school is now hosting a 'mobile' swimming pool for the next few months as part of a campaign to increase the involvement of women in sport and exercise. This is part of the Olympic legacy and specifically targeted at women in areas where sport and exercise often are not high priorities due to social and cultural factors. The campaign - "I will if you will"

Our school is situated in an area of relatively high social deprivation. Additionally, many women and girls come from a range of ethnic backgrounds that perhaps, traditionally, do not engage with activities such as swimming.

So our pool opened a few weeks ago and students, staff and the local community are making good use of the facility. It is deemed to be mobile because it will only be on site for a few months.

Today was the official opening and as with these things, a huge amount of work, and logistical jiggery pokery has taken place to get ready for it.

Rebecca Adlington, along with Helen Grant MP (Minister for Sport, tourism and equalities) were our VIP guests. Media in abundance. Lots of other visitors.

The best part of the afternoon for me was seeing our students swimming and having fun with Rebecca in the pool, without any concern over the cameras or the fuss. To hear Rebecca compliment our students, with a genuine warmth and honesty in her comments, was a proud moment too, for all concerned.

There was not one little bit of the cult of celebrity that I sometimes fear when 'famous' people visit - Rebecca was generous with her time, engaged wholeheartedly with the fun and games, was kind and warm with the students and to hear her speak to the reporters about the value of the project, the value of sport and how it has impacted upon her, you just knew that she meant every word and every deed.

A positive afternoon with hopefully some further positive spin offs for our students and for our community.

Thank you to all involved.

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