Snacking in the Afternoon

It's been an exhausting day today at the shopping center......I really dont like 'em...always spend too much money and come home with a headache.

The only redeeming fact is we go to the toy shop ....our little check out the Scliech I have mentioned before.
Flynn got an Owie Owl and I got this beauty.....Jaiya reckons It's like living with two kids...I reckon Im over 60 now and I have total permission.... to....well...whatever I like.

Again taken on the dashboard of the car ( a way to entertain myself on the drive home)...I have to say that all the pics I use for the backgrounds are my own pics however heavily processed to get the mood.
My girlfriend told me this today...I thought it fabulous.


A Fact is a very small sea creature that lives on the bottom of the ocean.
It goes around collecting Shark Farts selling them to create the bubbles in Spirit Levels.
And tha'ts a Fact.

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